10 Postpartum homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy for postpartum recovery is considered to be a safe, gentle, and energetic form of natural medicine used to support our bodies, minds, and spirits from the inside out.

Homeopathic remedies are available at local health food stores, including Whole Foods, local co-ops, or Amazon. Over-the-counter dosages of the following remedies (at 10x to 30x) can be used to treat issues that may arise after birth (follow directions on the bottle or given by a care provider). Dr. Amy at Twin Cities Birth Center is trained in naturopathic medicine and can also advise on the appropriate remedies for you or your family.

PPH: Homeopathic Medicine for Postpartum

After giving birth, your body can experience rapid hormonal changes, such as drops in estrogen and progesterone levels, that can cause mood disturbances as it tries to adjust to the intense transformation.

This can be an emotional experience for many women, so we’ve included 10 postpartum homeopathic remedies that may help to support you physically in the healing process after birth.

These homeopathic remedies are safe for breastfeeding. A unique quality of homeopathy is that it generally does not have side effects like pharmaceuticals. The remedies will have instructions on the bottle about dosage and frequency. We recommend that you consult with your healthcare provider in addition to following the bottle’s dosing instructions if you have any questions about how these homeopathic remedies may affect you individually.

Arnica (Oral)

Arnica is commonly used for bruises, muscle aches, pains, and wound healing. Its anti-inflammatory properties can aid in naturally healing the perineum and other tissues after birth. It can also be used for afterpains and uterine cramping that may occur in the following few days after birth. Arnica is one of the homeopathic remedies for postpartum hemorrhage and is taken right after birth. When ordering, look for 200cc.

Bellis Perennis

Bellis perennis, or “bruisewort,” can be used in postpartum to reduce the effects of abdominal pain. It can also be helpful for bruising and birth-related trauma, as well as afterpains. It can also support healing after a tear. It may help women who have had a C-section. This is a good one to try if you aren’t finding relief from Arnica. 


Sepia is one of the best remedies for assisting women experiencing hormonal changes, making it great for the postpartum period. It can be useful for women experiencing the “baby blues” or postpartum depression, as well as emotions like irritability, apathy, resentment, guilt, or feeling burdened. Women who benefit from this remedy may also feel indifferent to the birth experience and have trouble bonding with the baby. This remedy can also help with pelvic weakness or uterine prolapse.


Phytolacca, or “pokeweed,” promotes breast health. This homeopathic remedy can be helpful for issues arising with breastfeeding, including engorgement, and nipples that are sore, raw, cracked, or have plugged ducts. It is also used to reduce the discomfort caused by mastitis. Phytolacca can be found in tincture or pellet forms. 

Natrum muriaticum (Nat Mur)

This homeopathic remedy is used for emotional support and an imbalance in emotions caused by fluctuating hormones, such as disappointment, irritation, anxiety, and sadness. 


Pulsatilla’s anti-inflammatory and mood-regulating properties can aid women who are prone to perineum tears postpartum and support women who experience a heightened sense of emotional sensitivity. It’s natural for women to feel a need for security and reassurance during the postpartum process. Getting fresh air and avoiding warm stuffy rooms can help. 


This is one of the most abundant minerals in the body. It’s good for women who are experiencing anxiety and fear that something bad will happen to themselves, the baby, or others. Many women who are experiencing these fears and anxieties in postpartum may also experience heightened sensitivity to stimuli and exhaustion.

Calms Forte

Calms Forte is a wonderful and gentle sleep aid, helpful for women who are exhausted and having trouble sleeping while adjusting to their drastically altered sleeping rhythms. This is also used during pregnancy.

Calcarea carbonica

This remedy can help women who are feeling overwhelmed in the postpartum phase. Weakness and fatigue may lead to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and nightmares. A person who may benefit from this remedy often feels sluggish, cold, and easily tired by exercise.


This remedy is sometimes used for emotional and hormonal-based symptoms, such as depression, such as irritability, mood swings, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances.  

Support When You Need It

Twin Cities Birth Center has helped thousands of women just like you find relief and feel supported both mentally and physically throughout the pregnancy and postpartum journey. If you’d like to learn more about postpartum homeopathy and related services, contact us today.


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