Our midwives are all highly experienced and skilled in supporting clients who wish to labor and/or give birth in the water. Both of our birthing suites have large built-in birth tubs that many people choose to utilize during the birthing process. We offer the option of water birth at Twin Cities Birth Center because the best available evidence demonstrates that hydrotherapy offers physiological and psychological benefits in labor and birth.
The use of water immersion during labor is an excellent comfort measure. Both The American College of Nurse Midwives and The American Association of Birth Centers state that labor and birth in water can be safely offered to women with uncomplicated pregnancies and may be especially useful for individuals who prefer natural childbirth without pain medications.
They also state that immersion in water during labor provides comfort, supports relaxation and is a safe and effective pain relief strategy that promotes natural childbirth.
Pain relief is the most clearly established benefit of laboring in water. When a person labors in water, a series of physiological changes take place that alter hormone production and fluid distribution in the body. The water’s warmth and buoyancy cause instant relaxation and offer pain relief, which can lower stress hormones. Furthermore, oxytocin production often increases when individuals are immersed in deep warm water, which can speed up labor without any increase in sensation/pain. Oxytocin also produces feelings of calm and well-being.
Sometimes referred to as the “midwife’s epidural,” the combination of buoyancy and relaxation lowers stress and allows the laboring person’s body to function very efficiently. Babies seem to like it too. The transition from water to water eases the entry for many babies and has a soothing effect on the whole family. We are very comfortable with and skilled in water birth and will offer it as an option for birth when appropriate.
Safe water birth at TWIN CITIES
At Twin Cities Birth Center, we follow the best evidence available and the highest standards of care in every aspect of care we offer to our patients, including water birth. Each of our midwives are highly trained and are qualified to provide education, risk assessment, and care to those who desire water immersion for labor or birth.

Schedule a tour to learn more
If you have questions about water birth, please do not hesitate to call us or speak with us during an upcoming visit. We want you to feel empowered to make informed decisions about all aspects of your care. There is a birth tub in each of the birth suites. Our tubs are specifically designed for labor and birth. They are deep enough to provide buoyancy and large enough to accommodate two adults and a variety of labor positions.