The Baby Proofing Checklist
While baby proofing your house may not be at the top of your list of things to do before baby arrives, it won’t be long before your little one is on the move and getting into mischief. Being prepared for the process of babyproofing is a worthy pursuit while you are pregnant and have the time. You may not realize how many hazards exist in the average home until you look at it from the perspective of a crawler. Use this checklist as a general guide for beginning the project of baby proofing your home.
Place safety plugs in all exposed outlets
Conceal all electrical cords or move out of reach
Keep electric appliances unplugged and out of reach
Secure freestanding tall lamps behind furniture
Place covers on stove and oven knobs
Install a fireplace gate and store all related tools out of reach
Block access to radiators
Affix gates to the top and bottom of stairwells
Block railing openings that exceed 4 inches with Plexiglass or other barrier
Use doorstops and door holders to prevent pinched fingers
Place window guards or stops to prevent windows from opening more than 3 inches
Keep sharp objects out of reach
Keep breakable objects out of reach
Keep heavy objects out of reach
Secure oven and refrigerator with appliance latches
Cover sharp corners of tables and other surfaces
Keep pet supplies and aquariums out of reach
Secure large pieces of furniture to the wall to prevent toppling
Keep garbage cans in a locked cabinet or choose one with a locking mechanism
Lock cabinets with dangerous or heavy items
Keep plants out of reach and dispose of any poisonous plants
Keep knickknacks safely stored out of reach
Use placemats instead of tablecloths
Lower crib mattress to the lowest setting once baby can pull himself up
Remove mobiles and other crib attachments
Tie up loose cords from blinds and drapes
Keep drawers closed and use childproof locks where necessary
Secure rugs with nonskid backing
Cover bathtub faucet with a soft cover
Use nonskid strips in the bathtub
Anchor the TV to its surface or the wall
If you have a pool, install a 4-foot fence with a self-closing and self-latching gate around the perimeter
Keep all cleaning supplies, medicines and other potentially hazardous items out of reach or locked up
Mark sliding glass doors with colorful stickers
General Home Safety Tips:
Never leave your baby unsupervised unless they are contained in a safe area
Place purses and other bags that may contain unsafe items out of reach
Don’t ever leave your baby unsupervised near any body of water
Keep baby away from open windows
Keep CD and DVD players out of reach
Keep a list of emergency contact numbers and Poison Control in a visible place
Be hypervigilant during stressful times of day when accidents are more likely to occur
Kitchen Safety:
When cooking, turn pot and pan handles towards the back of the stove
Use the back burners on the stove instead of the front
Never put the highchair in reach of dangerous items or appliances
Take care to keep hot food and drinks away from edges and out of your baby’s reach
Don’t ever hold your baby while you are cooking or handling dangerous items such as sharp knives
Choose one kitchen cabinet to keep unlocked and fill it with safe items such as Tupperware for baby to explore
Bathtub safety:
Set your water heater to 120 degrees or lower to prevent accidental scalding
Never place baby within reach of the tub faucet
NEVER leave baby unattended in the bath. A child can drown in 1-inch of water.
The best way to begin the process of baby proofing your house is to get down on baby’s level and see the world as she sees it. This will help you identify potential hazards that you may not have even considered before. It is never too soon to begin the process of baby proofing but it can be too late. Be sure to have your house ready before your baby is crawling and pulling himself up, at the very latest. To learn more about preparing your nest for your upcoming arrival or for any and all pregnancy and birth related questions, contact Health Foundations for a free consultation with a midwife and a tour of our Birth Center.