The Home Stretch: What to Do in the Final Weeks of Pregnancy

Final Weeks of PregnancyFinal Weeks of Pregnancy

The final weeks of pregnancy are filled with excitement, nerves, aches and pains and often even some impatience. Fortunately, there is plenty to do during that time period to keep you busy and ensure that you are prepared for the arrival of your baby. Here are just a few of the things that should be on your to-do list for the home stretch of pregnancy!

  • Stock up on postpartum supplies: Must have items in the weeks following giving birth include heavy duty sanitary napkins (opt for overnight strength or even Depends), comfy undies, nursing pads, lanolin nipple salve and comfortable loose fitting clothing.

Expert tip: Consider making some ‘padsicles’ by applying witch hazel and aloe to sanitary napkins and freezing them individually. Padsicles make great soothing ice packs for your recovering lady parts.

  • Sleep! If this is your first baby and you don’t have a toddler or older child running around, cherish these last weeks of uninterrupted slumber while you can. Go to bed early, sleep late when possible and catch an afternoon nap. Your body needs to rest up for the big day and the months that follow of caring for a newborn baby.
  • Nest: Many soon-to-be-moms feel the almost compulsive urge to clean and organize in preparation of the arrival of the baby. If the urge has overcome you and you have the energy, run with it and ask your family and friends to help you. Clean out the refrigerator, dust the baseboards, reorganize your closet, spot clean your kitchen and bathroom and take unwanted clothes and belongings to donate. You will have greater peace of mind bringing your baby home to a clean house where everything is in its place.
  • Stock your freezer: Now that your freezer is clean and organized, it’s time to fill it with meals that can be easily reheated in a pinch. You won’t have time to prepare dinner while you and your partner are busy caring for a newborn, so plan ahead and have some nutritional meals ready to go for when the hunger hits. 
  • Prepare your car for baby: Clean out your car and take your car seat to the fire department for instruction on proper installation. You’ll want to have this completed several weeks in advance in the event that your baby should make an early appearance.
  • Prepare a contact list: There are likely lots of people who will be anxiously awaiting the news of the arrival of your little one. Preparing a list of people ahead of time for your husband to text, email or call can remove the stress of creating it on the spot. You may also wish to give your partner’s contact info to any close friends or family that will want to check on you while you are in labor.
  • Pack your birth center or hospital bag: The contents of your bag will vary depending on whether you will be going home the day of the birth or staying a few nights. Plan accordingly with changes of clothes, toiletries, lip balm, pajamas, slippers, and anything else that you may want to have access to while you are in labor. Be sure to prepare your bag several weeks in advance as you do not want to be scrambling to pack at the last minute.
  • If you haven’t already, create your birth plan: A birth plan is a document that outlines your wishes for labor and birth experience. For help creating a birth plan, check out this article on creating a natural birth plan. Be sure to print enough copies for everyone that you anticipate will be involved in your labor and delivery.
  • Spoil yourself: These may be the last weeks that you have time to focus on yourself for a while. Take advantage of this time by doing things to pamper yourself like getting a pedicure, a massage or a haircut. Eat out at your favorite restaurant, take a bubble bath or go shopping with a girlfriend. You’ll be glad you took the time to show yourself some TLC when you are in the throes of being a new parent.
  • Finish your nursery: If you’re creating a nursery for your baby-to-be, now is the time to put the final touches on it. Wash the crib sheets and changing table covers, hang any decorations or pictures and make sure you have everything you need for baby in those first weeks at home.
  • Make space on your camera: In the age of digital cameras and smartphones, it’s not uncommon to run out of space or memory for pictures. Make sure you clean out your photos and have plenty of space to take new pictures before you go into labor. Deleting old photos is the last thing you want to be worried about when you are trying to capture your first moments with baby.
  • Spend quality time with your partner: Similar to finding time to pamper yourself, it will probably be a little while before you and your spouse have time to devote to one another. Go on dates, make dinner together, go for walks, and spend some time focusing on each other and your relationship. There are many ways to involve your partner in your pregnancy. This will help you both feel better prepared and more supported heading into the challenges of being a new parent. 
  • If you have other children, use these weeks to spend some quality time with them, remind them of their importance to the family and help prepare them for the arrival of the baby. It is also a good idea to get a gift to give to your older child “from the baby” to help lessen any initial feelings of jealousy or competition.

The final weeks of pregnancy don’t have to be stressful with a little planning, organization and time set aside to care for yourself. To learn more about having a natural birth or for any and all questions related to pregnancy and birth, contact Health Foundations for a free consultation with a midwife and for a tour of our Birth Center. We are here to support you from preconception to postpartum and beyond.


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