Why "Me Time" Matters

Self-care is something we hear about frequently these days and there is a reason for that, it is super important! We live in a busy, driven society. Whether you are a working mom, stay at home mom or not a mom, it is vital to find time for yourself. Many women will say “how do I fit it in?”. It doesn’t have to be a week long vacation (although if you can make that work, go for it!). Finding “me time” in your life matters because it impacts all levels of your health and outlook.

If you are feeling drained at the end of each day to the extent of feeling like you have nothing left to give, you need me time. If you find yourself snapping at your children or partner frequently, you need me time. First and foremost you need to make sure that your basic needs are being met, such as love, rest and support. It is so easy for your needs to be put on the back burner.

Recognize your Emotions: Often we are so busy that we do not give our emotions a second thought. They come and go and we ignore them. We distract ourselves from feeling. Distraction comes easy, shopping, drinking wine, overeating, social media… If you find yourself doing this, take time to accept your emotions and sit with them. Even if it’s only for a few minutes. Be there for yourself just as you are for others.

Listen to Your Body: When we ignore emotions and sources of stress, our bodies feel it. It can come in the form off achy joints, extreme fatigue, muscle soreness and even flu-like symptoms. By creating space for yourself, you give your body and mind a rest which helps heal these types of physical aches and pains.

Journaling: Taking time to journal your thoughts and feelings each day is very healing and a way to let go of negativity. It is a way to process what is going on inside your thoughts. It is being a friend to yourself.

Empower Yourself: Making positive choices for yourself is empowering. Seeing and feeling the effects of self-care is empowering to oneself.

Sit down with your partner (if applicable) and talk about how big of a need this is for you. Sometimes we forget that our partner is quite capable of taking over when we need our me time. Schedule a once per month night out with friends. If going solo is more your style, schedule it. We schedule meetings with others all the time; why not do the same for ourselves?


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