This is your birth, a completely personal event. At the moment of your birth and the precious moments following, our focus is to allow you the fullness of this time together with as little interference as possible. You and your baby are never separated and are both monitored and tended to together.
We see birth as a normal part of life and see the choices and authority of pregnancy and childbirth belonging to the birthing person and their family. As such, we play a supportive role, helping healthy people in experiencing birth as they envision it. In the Midwifery Model of Care, clients and families are empowered through an informed and shared decision-making process.
Care is evidence-based, holistic, and founded on the premise that bodies know how to give birth and should be enabled to do so without needless intervention. Midwifery care is about the individual/family and the care providers, who together build a trusting, caring bond that supports a positive childbearing experience. We care deeply about each of our clients and enjoy coming to know every family that we are honored to serve.
“Having our baby with Twin Cities Birth Center was truly a life-changing experience. Amy was incredibly supportive, loving, yet firm and always believed in my ability to birth my baby, perhaps more than I believed in myself. Amy supported me emotionally through one of the most vulnerable times in my life. We feel absolutely blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Twin Cities. If we have any more children, they will be hired on the spot!”
Our Midwives
Available 24-7, our midwives are licensed by the state of Minnesota and highly skilled professionals.
We offer comprehensive midwifery care for expecting families. Our center is unique in that we combine mainstream medical therapies with complementary and alternative medicine, the best of both worlds, all under one roof. We serve individuals and families through a variety of healing modalities. We also serve our clients beyond the pregnancy, birth and immediate postpartum stages.
Prenatal Care
In our model of care, the childbearing person has the central role, and we provide the supervision and care. We work hard to provide a safe, sensitive environment where you are truly heard. We spend time learning about your desires, challenges, concerns, and joys. We answer your questions about safety, choices for prenatal testing, and the process of labor and birth with the latest information available.
For most pregnancies we recommend beginning care at 9-12 weeks. You will meet with a nurse for an intake visit and go over your history. We will also review some personalized recommendations for activity, diet and safety in pregnancy, as well as advice about common early pregnancy symptoms. We will discuss any questions you have and discuss our plan of care.
We accept most transfer patients, including late transfers. Please call us to discuss your situation so we can recommend the best way to begin your visits.

“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers ~ strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”
— Barbara Katz Rothman
Labor & Delivery
You will be encouraged and supported in whatever way is most comfortable for you. You may choose to labor with the support of very few people and the monitoring of your midwifery team. Or you may see your birth as a family experience and family, friends, or support professionals you want to be with you are welcomed. We easily incorporate fathers, partners, and children into the process.
Water Birth
Each of our birthing suites includes large tubs that are available to you during labor. There are many benefits to laboring in water and our midwives are happy to support people who want to give birth in the tub to do so safely. We are very comfortable with and skilled in water birth.
Postpartum Services
Postpartum care begins immediately. Parents and babies are never separated.
We understand the postpartum time can be the most challenging time of all. Unlike typical postpartum health care schedules, the midwifery model of care recognizes the needs of the new family in the first few days and weeks at home. A nurse comes to your home at 24-48 hours for a home visit. You will then have a two-week and a six-week postpartum visit with a midwife at the birth center.
Breastfeeding & Lactation
Nursing is natural, but it doesn’t come naturally to all parents and babies.
Our providers will help with your baby’s latch and make sure they have breastfed before you leave the birth center. Twin Cities Birth Center is also a lactation center with a full product assortment that allows you to "one-stop-shop" for all your breastfeeding and lactation needs.