Tackling Pregnancy Cravings

A woman eating 2 ice cream cones at once

With pregnancy comes a lot of hormonal changes. These significant changes in hormones can cause cravings for certain food. Blood sugar levels can also have an impact on cravings. If you are finding yourself craving unhealthy options a lot of the time, there are some healthy alternatives that may curb certain cravings. Here are the top five pregnancy cravings and a healthy alternative for each!

Ice Cream

Ice cream is a very popular craving in pregnancy. Having some every once in awhile is fine but if this is a consistent craving for you, try frozen yogurt or sorbet instead. Another great option would be natural popsicles. If you are feeling creative, you can buy or freeze your own fruit and throw it in a food processor!

Salty Snacks

If your go to snack is something salty like potato chips or french fries, you aren’t alone. These can be a favorite to help with nausea too. Try popcorn, plantain chips, sweet potato chips or veggie chips instead.

Take Out Food

Take out can be tempting but try and not make it a habit. If you are craving a certain food, Indian, Thai, pizza, whatever it may be, try and find a health recipe and make it yourself. It is usually just as good if not better!

Soft Drinks

Soft drinks are one of the worst sources of empty, sugary calories. There are so many tasty flavor of sparkling water to try. You can even add a splash of fruit juice for more flavor. In pregnancy, it is important to stay hydrated so water should be your number one go-to. If water gets boring add some fruit to it. You can choose ANY fruit, not just lemon or lime.

Cake or Donuts

Have a major sweet tooth? If you are craving cake or cupcakes, try a slice of angel food cake with sliced strawberries on top or banana bread. If donuts are calling your name for breakfast, have some cinnamon raisin toast or a whole wheat bagel and a fruity cream cheese.

Obviously it is absolutely fine to indulge and give into your cravings! If your cravings are daily or frequent, it is good to mix it up a bit so that you are feeding your body with healthy food too!


Tackling Pregnancy Cravings