5 Practical Things to Consider When Choosing a Daycare
More than 23 million working parents in the US do not have an available caregiver in their family, according to a Brookings report

Dr. Amy's Guide to Food Introduction For Your Baby
One of Dr. Amy’s passions is food introduction. It is a fundamental building block for a baby’s development, their immune system and has long-term health benefits.

Top 10 Things Every Partner Should Know Postpartum
Congrats! Your baby has arrived! This is a very exciting time for both parents.

Surviving the Summer Heat During Pregnancy
The hottest days of summer can be tough on everyone but they can be exceptionally uncomfortable if you’re pregnant.

5 Common Ways Your Body Changes Postpartum
Everyone talks about what to expect during your pregnancy, but not enough discussion relates to what to expect after your pregnancy.

Helpful Resources for Reducing Postpartum Stress
Whether it’s your first or your fifth pregnancy, the months following the birth of your child are completely unique times in your life.

Women + Thyroid Health
Our thyroid function controls many different systems in our body. Shockingly, 1 in 8 women will develop thyroid disease.

Handling The Stress of a Pandemic (During Winter!)
Oral health refers to the overall state of your teeth, mouth, and gums, and it's a vital part of your overall health.

How to Help New Parents in Your Circle
The pandemic has really made connecting with people complicated in so many ways. During the postpartum period, support is so vital.

The Birth Story of Rhye James
Rhye’s story began in February 2020. When I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test, I fully expected it would be negative.

Dispelling the Top 7 Myths About Water Birth
With water births becoming an increasingly popular natural birthing option, there are of course many misconceptions out there.

Tackling Pregnancy Cravings
With pregnancy comes a lot of hormonal changes. These significant changes in hormones can cause cravings for certain food.

Miscarriage: Common Concerns & Questions
Pregnancy following a miscarriage can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. While miscarriages are unfortunately quite common.